Psycho: Then and Now.
In 1960’s Hitchcock breaks the genre and changes audience’s perception of horror once and forever, by adding psychological thrill to it....
Castrated Otherness, or slasher’s ability to transform sexual difference is what Audition all about. Asami, a female- monster with the...
Aristotle: Flying Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
In 1963, Oregon, recidivist criminal Randle McMurphy is moved to a mental institution after serving a short sentence on a prison farm for...
Kantian Analyses of Blue Jasmine
Blue Jasmine is a 2013 American dark comedy-drama written and directed by Woody Allen. The film tells the story of a rich Manhattan...
Aristotelian Analyses of the Film “Doubt”.
When the principal (Meryl Streep) of a Bronx Catholic High School accuses a popular priest (Philip Seymour Hoffman) of pedophilia, a...
Cavell on Hitchcock.
Two Hitchcock’s suspense thrillers Vertigo and North by North West shift from the main female characters to the main male characters and...
Animal Totems as Symbols of Marriage in Awful Truth.
Animal totems as symbols of marriage in Awful Truth. The picture was called “the best, or the deepest, of the comedies of remarriage” by...
Bringing Up Baby.
In “Leopards in Connecticut” chapter Cavell explains Bringing Up Baby from two interesting viewpoints: he sees David as “extricating...
Gaslight and Cavell.
Cavell drives the parallel between Descartes, who is doubting reality and begins with “original foundations” [CP, 13] for sake of pure...

Plato and Modern Democracy
In books VIII & IX of the Republic Plato referring to the Athenian democracy and the general form of democracy in its metaphysical sense...